Aoki sensei - December 2019
December 13, 2019
Dear All
We would like to inform you that Aoki Hisashi sensei from Shiseikan, Tokyo, Japan will lead a seminar in December 2019.
Dates are now confirmed and the seminar will take place on 13th, 14th, 15th and 16th or December.
We will be aiming to have 3hrs training on Friday (17:00-20:00, 6 hrs on Saturday and Sunday (11.00-13.30 and 14.30 - 17.00) and 3 hours on Monday (17:00 - 20:00) time subject to change.
To book your space please send email directly to after send the fee for the seminar - £100 or €110. We can only book your place on the venue once payment is received. (N.B. payment is not refundable as we have to pay for the venue in advance).
***deadline for payment and booking is MID-OCTOBER!!!***
All payments please send to:
Lloyds Bank
Sort code: 30 99 97
Account number: 341 499 60
IBAN: GB58LOYD30999734149960
hope to see you all on the mat.

Hashimoto san - London 2018
December 14, 2018
Dear All
Hashimoto san from Shiseikan Tokyo, will teach in our dojo on 14.12.2018 and 15.12.2018.
Friday evening training will start in Tetsushinkan Dojo at 19:30 till 21:30 and is £15 per person (except dojo members who pay via Direct Debit)
Saturday morning training will be in the City of London Academy, 8 Highbury Grove, N52EQ - training will start at 10:00 and finish at 13:00, please be in school around 9.30am to get ready. this training is £15 per person.
please transfer money to the dojo account or bring cash on Friday.
we will go for meal after Friday evening training to local restaurant Gallipoli on upper street.
if you have any more questions please don't hesitate to ask

Aoki sensei seminar - London 2018
November 16, 2018
Dear All
Aoki sensei will lead another seminar in London this November 2018.
Times of the sessions and address of the venue are still to be confirmed but the seminar will start on Friday 16th of November and will finish on Sunday the 18th of November 2018.
Dear All, we have official times for the Seminar:
> Friday 16th November 5.30pm-8.30pm
>Highbury Grove School, 8 Highbury Grove, Highbury East N5 2EQ
> Saturday 17th November 10am-5pm
>Highbury Grove School, 8 Highbury Grove, Highbury East N5 2EQ
> Sunday 18th November 10am-5pm
>Highbury Grove School, 8 Highbury Grove, Highbury East N5 2EQ
>Monday 19th November 7.30pm - 9.30pm
>New Unity Hall, Tetsushinkan Dojo, 277 Upper street, N1 2TZ
there will be short break between training on Saturday and Sunday so please bring lunch with you, as there may be not enough time to go to the shop. any information needed please email us directly:
the whole seminar is £90, but spaces are limited so please RSVP us as soon as possible.

Udagawa sensei seminar
May 25, 2018
26th - 27th of May 2018
9:30 - 10:00 Opening Ceremony
10:00 - 12:00 Training session
14:00 - 17:00 Training session
10:00 - 11:30 Training session
11:30 - 12:30 Closing Ceremony
Price: 65€
Registration required (limited):
Before the 1st of May
Kome Dojo Neupré
Hall de Neuville-En-Condroz
Avenue de la Vecquée, 18/B
4121 Neuville-En-Condroz
+32 (0)4 287.00.91
more info: